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Chinese Swords Guide

Site Map

Hello. Welcome to the Chinese Swords Guide Site Map. This is a quick and easy way to find all of the content on this website. Since the Chinese Swords Guide will eventually have over 500 pages, I can't list all of them on the Menu Bar, which appears down the left side of each page. So I've put only the main topics there. The rest of the pages can be reached through text links on each main page. They can also be reached here. This is how it works:

SBI! Traffic Test
The main subject areas (menu buttons) are in bigger writing. Under each of those, you can find all the deeper content pages relating to that subject. Sometimes I have links to the same page from a number of pages throughout the site, but not here. On this sitemap, each page is only listed once. You can use this as your main content finder page if that is easier for you. It's like having a list of contents in the front of a book with main chapter headings in larger print and subheadings of each chapter in smaller print. Click on a link to go to any page in the Chinese Swords Guide. I'll update this every time I write a new page.

Home Page

Home Page.
Alt Text--Site mape home
An introduction to the website.

Contact us

Get in touch with me here. I always answer notes sent on the contact form. You can also see my latest Twitter updates. Follow me if you like. I've added New York and Sydney time clocks from World Time Server.Russia has been added too.

Contact Linda Heenan


This is where every new page I write makes its first appearance. I also use the Blog to write little notes on important changes to the Chinese Swords Guide. There is a notepad there which any visitor may write on.

Seminars and Events

If you are looking for the sort of sword training you see throughout the chinese Swords Guide, this is a good place to begin. Real Chinese swordfighting lessons are not easy to find. I'm willing to post links here to anything, worldwide, that offers martially correct training from a verified lineage. This is a service to the Chinese Swordsmanship and martial arts community.

Children's Swordsmanship Seminar August 2009

Australian April, 2024 Taijiquan Seminars

Australian April, 2024 Sword Festival

Learn Online

This is the section for long distance students studying with me. It is designed for those who live far from a local school and can only attend seminars or infrequent face to face training. It is also useful for those studying with me from week to week and will serve as a reminder of how taijiquan movements or sword sequences went. Don't try to use this section as your only means of study. Every student needs face to face instruction for correction. We also need other students to practise with if movements are to be martially correct.

These are the Canberra/Albury student training notes:

Canberra/Albury Emptyhand 13.3.10

Canberra/Albury Emptyhand 13.3.10

Listening Exercises 20.6.10

It also has a weekly lesson revision for the kid's swordsmanship classes.

Kid's Class 24.2.10

Kid's Class 3.3.10

Kid's Class 10.3.10

Kid's Class 17.3.10

Kid's Class 24.3.10

Kid's Class 31.3.10

Kid's Sword Seminar with Scott M. Rodell

Kid's Class 26.5.10

Kid's Class 26.5.10 How to make a sword.

Swords For Sale

Swords for sale.
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We do sell high quality swords suitable for cutting. You can find them here. In the future there will also be the best martial art equipment for sale. We sell worldwide and it's especially advantageous for Australians because of cheap postage.

Huanuo Sanmei Royal Peony Gold Jian

Huanuo Carbon Steel Royal Peony Jian

Huanuo Round Grip Battle Dao

Conditions of Sale

Australian Weapons Laws

Job Opportunities

From time to time opportunities to study sword related crafts and arts, become available. When people send notice of these opportunities to the Chinese Swords Guide, they will be posted here.

Sword Polishing with Master Rich Chen

Stretches and Health

Body care.
Alt Text--Site map stretching exercises
These links will give you the best warm up and stretching exercises for Taijiquan and Chinese Swordsmanship. They are suitable for martial artists, sports people, and those who don't do any of that but like to keep fit. Check out these links for massage techniques, care of your joints and other health related issues.

How to take care of your knees

Aspergers Martial Arts Students

Balance Exercises with Taiji sword

Basic Sword Fighting

This is the first place to look when you are beginning Chinese swordsmanship. It will give you the foundation for the rest of your training. It begins with correct grip and stance for jian.

Defining the terms. Deflections Part 1

Upper easy side. Deflections Part 2.

Upper tight side. Deflections Part 3.

Discover your best learning style for martial arts.

Partner Drills - 4 Corners

Stepping Techniques - Half Step or Advance

Stepping Techniques - Passing Step or Full Step

Sword techniques

Ci thrust.
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Here you can find pages on each type of strike, deflection, combinations and more.

Thrusts Ci, Dian, Zhao

Slash techniques Pi, Hua, Tiao

Slash Techniques Liao, Duo

Entering the Fight: Crossover step, Snake step, Reverse lunge

Entering the Fight 2: Pipa Lunge, Hiding the Distance, Gua from Reverse Stance

Sword Fighting

This is the overview. It explains the why of Chinese swordsmanship, the sequence of learning, how to find the style and teacher best for you, etiquette, what happens in seminars and where you can find one. It also explains what you need in the way of equipment.

5 Elements of Jian Swordsmanship

Sword Etiquette

What to call your teacher

Free Sparring

Common Errors in Swordfighting - Part 1

Common Errors in Swordfighting - Part 2

Common Errors in Swordfighting - Part 3

Training Difficulties - Long Distance

Training Difficulties - Injury or Sickness

Training Difficulties - Limited Time

Test Cutting

Test cutting
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This is where to go for information on cutting targets with sharp swords. It gives the safety requirements, reasons, and some great video instruction.

Test cutting for kids

Test Cutting Ideas and Interaction Page


Explanation of what tournaments are all about, how to prepare for one, the best equipment, reports and videos on past tournaments, and announcements of those coming in the future. The page begins with the 2008 TCSL tournament and a highlight video.

TCSL Youth Tournament 2009

Preparation strategies and pitfalls

Pictures of the TCSL Youth Tournament 2009 winners

TCSL April 2024 Beginner's Tournament

Ultimate fighting equipment tested in tournaments

The only female martial artist in the TCSL 2009 Tournament

Anne Likold's review of the 2011 TCSL Tournament

Taiji Sword

taiji sword
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I cover everything to do with learning jian and dao as part of a tai chi system. In the future there will be information on spear and other system weapons. Here is where you go to find information about sword forms, styles, interviews with taiji masters and students, reports on camps and seminars, even some related empty hand and push hands skills.

Inside Kung Fu Interview with three of the best Part 1

Inside Kung Fu Interview with three of the best Part 2

Inside Kung Fu Interview with three of the best Part 3

Inside Kung Fu Interview with three of the best Part 4

First Section Michuan Emptyhand Form

Sword Zhan Zhuang

The principle of Fang Song

The principle of Verticality

The principle of Fair lady's Wrist

The principle of Waist is the Commander

The principle of Separation of Weight

Miao Dao

The Miao Dao is a Chinese two handed sword. This is where you find information on how to train with it - the basic cuts and stances, defections, drills and forms. There will be links to schools that train students in Miao Dao. There will also be reader's contributions on this topic.

Wooden Swords

Wooden swords
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Everything you ever wanted to know about wooden training swords.

How to care for your wooden training sword

The best wooden sword for you.

March 2024 Tiger's Den production range.

Real Chinese Swords and Weapons

This is the section for beautiful real Chinese swords. Learn the history, the names and purposes. Read about how they are forged. This section will also have information on other historical weapons, and about modern reproductions.
Chinese swords
Alt Text--Site map Chinese swords

Parts of a Jian


Two handed Chinese Swords



Damascus Steel or Forge Welded blades

Avoiding the Fakes

Safe Tang and Grip Construction

Understanding Edge Geometry


chinese armor
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Chinese armour - body protection from neck to toe.

Symbols of Rank in Military and Civilian China

Dingjia armour from the Qing Dynasty

War Horse Armour


Chinese Armour for the head.

Custom helmets

An 18th Century Manchu helmet


Fix nicks
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This is the section about how to care for all sorts of swords. It explains everything from how to oil them to how to repair them.

Simple guide to how to remove rust

sword sharpening and nick removal

Cleaning and maintaining a cutter

Removing heavy rust

Caring for an antique sword

Make it Yourself

Kids swords
Alt Text--Site map foam swords
The do it yourself manual of Chinese (and other) swordsmanship. Step by step instructions on everything I know how to make.

How to videos project overviews

How to make a Chinese Gambeson

How to make a Chinese tassett

How to make a Chinese tassett video intruction

How to make padded kid's swords

Featured Artisans

Peter Dekker
Alt Text--Site map Chinese shield
For those who would rather have their gear made by the best in the world. You might find one artisan of each type for each continent, on this page. I'm bringing together the very best for you.

Peter Dekker - Grip Wrapping

Peter Dekker - Tengpai

Graham Cave wooden swords

Traditional Sword Making with Kuo Chang-hsi

Master rich Chen of Zubeng Forge - Traditional sword making

How To make a Website Like This

If you like what you see in the Chinese Swords Guide and would like to be able to make your own site, this page will give you all the links to find out how. I built the website with Site Build It. I couldn't reccommend anything better than that. I don't think there is anything better.

Chinese Martial History

Ancient swords
Alt Text--Site map ancient chinese swords
The history of everything to do with Chinese weapons and warriors. This is the slowest growing section because it involves a lot of research.

Ancient military weapons from the Beijing Military Museum

Chinese Polearms

Republican Era Vintage Bazaar Swords

The Bannermen

Manchu Archery

Asian Arms and Armour in the Metropolitan Museum

Using primary sources to research arms and armour

Types of decoration on Chinese armour

Terra Cotta Soldiers

Chinese Dynasty overview

Chinese Dragons

GRTC Australia - Past and Present

Australia 2006
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The history of Yangjia Michuan Taijiquan in Australia began with Scott Rodell and just one long distance student - me, Linda Heenan, in 2004. This is the story of all that has happened since - the students, the seminars, the children. If you live in Australia, you might find your place with the local students.

2005 - 2006

2006 - 2007


Women With Swords

Women with swords
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A special section for women. Men, beware if you are reading it. I don't hold back from the way women think and are. Women have special needs in the highly male dominated world of martial arts. This section is for them.

Boudicca of the Celts

Fu Hao of the Shang Dynasty

Mulan, female general of the Tang dynasty.

Motherland Statues from Russia.

Book Review of Sasha by Alan Shepherd

How to keep females martial arts students

Kid's Swordsmanship

Kids training
Alt Text--Site map kids sword form
Children are the future of our art. This explains their needs, what is available for them in training, the equipment they need and how to make it fun if you are teaching them. In the future I hope to add a locked forum only accessible by under 18s. I must know them personally and no one outside of that category will get in. It will be a safe forum for kids in sword training.

How Chinese Swordsmanship is good for kids

Equipment for Kids swordsmanship

Fun ideas for kids training

How to be a good children's intructor Part 1

How to be a good children's intructor Part 2

Sword Games: Bullrush

Sword Games: Stumpy

Sword Games: Laoshi Says

Sword Games: Attack!

Sword Games: Chocolate Chomp

Books and DVDs

Books for sale
Alt Text--Site map tai chi books
This section will review the best books and DVDs related to Chinese swordsmanship and taijiquan. They will mostly be for sale worldwide. It will be an extra advantage for Australians. Clothing and other gear will be added eventually.

Taiji Notebook - s. Rodell

Test Cutting - S Rodell

2008 TCSL Tournament DVD

Site Search

There is a Google search tool on this page which will take you to any page on the site containing your choice of word. You'll find a picture of me and a game, just for fun.

Privacy Policy

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