Welcome to the Chinese Swords Guide

I look forward to hearing from you

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The Chinese Swords Guide is a result of my passion about swords and Chinese Swordsmanship. It's a way for me to record what I'm learning over the years as I train with my teacher, Scott M. Rodell. I hope it is also recognised as a tribute to him. It is my plan to share some of this knowledge with other interested people. I want the Chinese Swords Guide to be a meeting place and a reference book. It is also a business, selling only high quality Chinese Swords. You won't find any junk here.

My teacher cannot often be in Australia. It's a long way and he's busy with many seminars. So I do a lot of the training in Yangjia Michuan Taijiquan and Chinese Swordsmanship over here. There are classes in the Blue Mountains, private lessons, and also classes for kids. If you would like to speak with me about training, seminars, swords, how to make a website like this, or anything to do with the Chinese Swords Guide, please use the form below and the note will get to me within a couple of days.

Hi, I'm Linda. I write the Chinese Swords Guide. You can contact me here.
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