Taijiquan Seminars
April 17 - 20, 2024 in Australia

This is the online registration information for our Taijiquan Seminars. They will be held in Katoomba, in the Blue Mountains, near Sydney, Australia. There will be two seminars between April 17th and 20th, 2024. Yangjia Michuan Taijiquan will be taught.

NOTE: If you are registering for both seminars at once, there is a small discount on the Paypal dropdown menu.

taijiquan seminars Australia

SEMINAR 1 Taijiquan Part 1

$150 early registration (paid in full before 1 Feb. 2024)
$180 normal registration (paid after 31 Jan. 2024)

Venue: Katoomba Village Fitness Gym
This venue is near the top of Katoomba Street. Instead of crossing the road to the Railway Station, turn left, go past the newsagent and enter the Medical Centre building. At the end of the hallway, just before going through the Medical Centre reception area doos, there is a lift on the left. Go up to the second floor and look left across the carpark for the Gym entrance. If you have a car, you can drive it up the ramps near the medical centre and park outside the Gym.

Everyone should come to this one - beginners, continuers, students who have done other martial arts or other types of tai chi. It will be a good starting place for completely new people and a place to refresh and fill the gaps for those who have studied with Rodell Laoshi in our taijiquan seminars before. The proportion of form, push hands, martial applications, principles and emptyhand skills in this seminar will be determined by the teacher during the seminar, to meet the needs of all students present. If you are unsure which to go to, go to this one. You can always register for the second seminar after you see how it works out.

Program Seminar 1
Saturday 17th April (All Sessions at Katoomba Village Fitness Gym)
9-12 am Morning Session
2-5 pm Afternoon Session
Evening (time to be confirmed) Extra practise revision of the lessons for the day

Sunday 18th April (All Sessions at Katoomba Village Fitness Gym)
9-12 am Morning Session
2-5 pm Afternoon Session
Evening (time to be confirmed) Extra practise revision of the lessons for the day

SEMINAR 2 Taijiquan Part 2

$150 early registration (paid in full before 1 Feb. 2024)
$180 normal registration (paid after 31 Jan. 2024)

Venue: Mostly at Katoomba Village Fitness Gym as above.

This is suitable for students who have completed Seminar I, and for more advanced students who want to fill the gaps. Form, push hands, martial applications, principles, emptyhand skills will be trained in whatever proportion Rodell Laoshi determines to be the best for more experienced students in attendance. If you have been to one or more of our seminars before and have kept up your practice or are a fast learner with previous martial arts experience, this would be good. Those who handle Seminar 1 and want more will be okay to come to this one too. If you want to register for both, do so. You won’t be disappointed.

Program Seminar 2
Monday 19th April
9-12 am Morning Session (Venue still to be confirmed)
1-4 pm Afternoon Session (Village Fitness Gym)

Tuesday 20th April
9-12 am Morning Session (Venue still to be confirmed)
2-5 pm Afternoon Session (Village Fitness Gym)

Taijiquan seminars in Australia

About the Seminars

Taijiquan (Tai Chi Chuan) is a classical Chinese internal martial art that, when practised regularly and correctly, reduces stress and helps to improve physical fitness,concentration, and overall health for all ages. It is also a powerful self defense system. Scott M. Rodell, Laoshi, brings 27 years of experience to you at these taijiquan seminars. He trained under masters Wang Yen-nien, T.T. Liang, and William C.C. Chen. He is a disciple student of Master Wang Yen-nien.

Sifu Rodell, is an internationally recognized expert of Chinese Historical swordsmanship & the author of "Chinese Swordsmanship, The Yang Family Taiji Jian Tradition", “Taiji Notebook For Martial Artists”, and “A Practical Guide To Test Cutting For Historical Swordsmanship”. He has branches of his school in America, Europe and Australia, and is in demand for seminars all over the world.

People of all ages and body shapes can do taijiquan. It is a complete system of physical and internal principles, basic exercises, forms, push hands (tui shou), emptyhand fighting (san shou), and weapons training. Beginners attending these taijiquan seminars will build a good foundation for their future training. Return students can expect to fill the gaps in their First Section Michuan training and be ready to move on to the next level.

The taijiquan seminars will run like a martial art class with everyone participating. This is not a sit down and take notes type of event. The value of attending such a seminar is that it is worth a term or two of weekly attendance at a regular school. Teacher Scott Rodell will train us in the martial arts moves that go with the form. You will learn tai chi martial applications including the main strikes and defenses.

Contact Linda if you need to hear about the accommodation options in the Blue Mountains.

There are backpackers, camp grounds, motels, hotels and cottages. There are many food outlets a few minutes walk from the venue.

What is the Michuan?

Every martial art has a Michuan, or hidden tradition - sometimes more than one. It comes from the days when martial artists had to keep something secret to maintain their standing and be in demand. Yang Luchan, who brought us Yang taijiquan, practiced by 98% of taiji practitioners worldwide, taught one form publically and another to very few. Usually one or two people in a generation were trained in the Michuan. These days there is no point in that. It is better to let anyone willing learn these once-secret arts, so that they are not lost. If you were born just a few generations ago, you would not be allowed to learn this, or even know it existed. We just happen to be in the right place in the right time. These taijiquan seminars bring you Yang Family Michuan.

Taijiquan seminars Michuan form

What you need to know for the taijiquan seminars

  • The taijiquan seminars are full participation. You come to be involved, training, not watching. Wear comfortable, loose clothing.
  • It involves contact. We will practice on each other when doing push hands and applications. You will not have to do more than you are able to.
  • Come a little early to stretch before training sessions.
  • There may be books, DVDs and t shirts for sale.
  • Bring water and snacks with you.
  • To get the most out of the taijiquan seminars it’s best to come with the attitude of willingness to learn regardless of how much martial arts or tai chi training you may have already done. Be a good listener.
  • Don’t be intimidated if others learn faster. We all get there in the end if we don’t give up.

Australian Sword Festival

While we have Scott Rodell in Australia for our taijiquan seminars, he will be one of the teachers at the Australian Sword Festival. This will be held at Sydney University on Saturday and Sunday 24th - 25th April, 2024. So if you are coming from a distance, it's worth thinking about getting that in as well. The details will be on a seperate registration page, soon to go up on this site.

The sword festival is offering a number of single and two handed styles which students will be able to choose from. At this stage it looks like Chinese, Bolognese, Japanese, Scottish, Italian and English.

Taijiquan seminars with Scott Rodell

Taijiquan Seminars
Registration Form

To print this form, select it and choose "print selection" or copy and paste it into a word processor to print. If you prefer a paper copy, request one from Linda using the Contact Us form. Please remember to leave a mailing address if you choose this option. Parents must sign for children under 18. Children under 14 must be accompanied by a parent unless they are part of our regular weekly classes.

I would like to register for: (Please indicate choices)br>

Seminar 1 - Taijiquan Part 1 Early ( paid in full before February 1, 2024)17th - 18th April, 2024 - Cost $150

Seminar 2 - Taijiquan Part 2 Early ( paid in full before February 1, 2024)19th - 20th April, 2024 - Cost $150

Seminar 1 - Taijiquan Part 1 Normal ( paid after January 31, 2024)17th - 18th April, 2024 - Cost $185

Seminar 2 - Taijiquan Part 2 Normal ( paid after January 31, 2024)19th - 20th April, 2024 - Cost $185

Indicate which apply:
Please mail me ……... brochures for my friends.
Please mail me ……... posters to put up in my area.
Please send me a Sword Festival brochure as well.

Mail the registration form to:
Linda Heenan, PO Box 7329 Leura, NSW 2780, Australia

Or fill in, sign, scan and email it to: l2i3n9d5a6@gmail.com, Paypal is accepted at that email address. Personal cheques made out to Linda Heenan , or bank cheque, or postal order, are also acceptable. Ask for bank details for online deposits.

There is a Paypal button below if you choose this option. Please be sure to leave your name and contact details if paying by Paypal, so we can keep track of who has paid.


Home Address:


Home Phone #

Medicare No.

Daytime Phone #

Taijiquan/Martial Arts Experience (years training)

School Where You Study

How did you hear about the Seminar?

Important Notice: Only you are responsible for yourself and for those with whom you train. Neither the seminar leader nor the host is accountable for your actions. If you hurt yourself or others during this seminar, or if you are hurt by others, you are to blame and must accept the responsibility.

Statement of Release of Liability:
I, the undersigned, knowingly & without duress, do voluntarily submit this form to the Taijiquan/Swordsmanship Seminars. I understand that training in martial arts can be stressful on the body & that there is a possible danger of injury & do hereby assume all risk of personal, physical & mental disabilities, injuries or losses for myself, my heirs, personal representatives & assignees. Therefore, I hereby release the Seminar Instructors, Organizers, Sponsors, Hosts & all related members from all claims, actions, suits, controversies, claims at law or in equity by reason of matter, cause or thing what so ever, that may here after sustain. I also understand that there is a risk of injury in all training & I assume full responsibility for my/my child’s actions, during and in connection with said Taijiquan/Swordsmanship Seminars. I fully understand that any medical treatment given to me/my child will be of the first-aid type only, & I consent to such emergency treatment if deemed necessary. I further consent that any photos furnished by me, or any photos/video taken of me/my child in connection with the Taijiquan Seminar can be used for publicity, promotion, or television, & I waive all compensation in regards thereto.



These taijiquan seminars are over. Contact us for information on future seminars of this kind.

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Swords For Sale

Legal age for sword ownership in Australia is 16 but I won't sell to anyone under 18 unless they are training with a good teacher.

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Dao for sale?

Great quality cutting dao to suit your budget.

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If you live in the Blue Mountains, give Linda a call
(02) 47826593

Or use the Contact Form to ask questions:
Click anywhere in this box